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UNILAG Lecturer Asked To Sleep With Me Before He Can Help

I am a product of the University of Lagos and proudly so too. I feel good when I introduce myself as an ex-Akokite. I naturally align myself with anyone working for the progress of my alma mater and resist anything that could tarnish its image. That was why I joined other great Akokites to resist the unpopular decision of former President Goodluck Jonathan to rename the university. And I’m glad we succeeded.

For me, securing admission to the ‘flagship’ of Nigerian universities was no mean feat. I did not only burn the midnight oil, I tried ‘burning’ some in daylight just to get in. My cousin who was a UNILAG student then had told me that the university was very competitive. He said I needed a minimum of nine points in my Advanced Level result to qualify for admission. God’s grace coupled with my hard work helped. I got 11 points. So I had a smooth cruise to my dream university.

However, whatever fond memories I have of my alma mater now are sometimes marred by the ugly incident of s*xual harassment I was forced to endure on campus...

Of course it is always good to bury our painful pasts in the ocean of forgetfulness, because that is where they actually belong, I sometimes struggle to do so. I feel a gush of disgust whenever I hear about cases of r*pe or attempted r*pe on any campus in the country. So you can imagine how saddened I was when I read reports of a teenager rap*d while seeking admission to UNILAG.

To think that an innocent teenager could be defiled within the walls of a university community is sickening. And seeing that all that the university could do in this case was to simply disown the lecturer alleged to have perpetrated the heinous act is shocking. Shortly after the university’s denial of any deal with the r*pe suspect, another lady, now married, accused the same lecturer of attempting to r*pe her.

It is ridiculous that at a time when universities across the world are thinking of better ways to handle cases of s*xual harassment, the best UNILAG could do to protect its own students is to engage in unnecessary defence almost to the point of stupidity.

In my time, there were no official channels of reporting erring lecturers. All I could do was to ask some people to appeal to my lecturer to leave me alone. Unfortunately, some of the people I asked to help me told me to give my lecturer what he wanted. It was that bad.

Though I was not rap*d, I was seriously harassed if you consider what constitutes s*xual harassment in universities in other climes. My supervisor refused to guide me through writing my final year project because I did not allow him to sleep with me. Imagine that!

UNILAG was setting up a panel to investigate a case that it had technically denied existed. To help the university in facing reality for the sake of others who are probably suffering in silence, I would like the authorities to know that I was a regular student when I was s*xually harassed on its campus. My lecturer then was a full-time lecturer. And despite being desperate for help, I couldn’t get any.

There is no point playing the ostrich in this matter. UNILAG cannot afford to bury its head in the sand. S*xual harassment is not peculiar to Nigerian universities. It is a well established phenomenon. It happens even in well-established universities all over the world.

The only difference between universities in the developed ones and the ones in Africa is that while they are taking pragmatic steps to solve the problem, African universities are pretending as if it does not exist. But the earlier the students are protected, the better for everyone.

Nigerian universities should emulate their counterparts in the developed world by formulating policies and procedures for responding to cases of s*xual harassment. They should establish formal channels of communication where students can report cases of harassment.

Nigerian universities should understand that those who engage in acts of s*xual harassment are not likely to stop unless they are challenged. If the lecturers know that their jobs would be on the line if caught, they will exercise some caution. But as long as they think the system is there to protect them, they will continue to perpetrate this heinous crime against women.

Written by Mrs Olabisi Deji-Folutile


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